The Healing Power of Mechanical Puzzles
The Healing Power of Mechanical Puzzles
Image source: Unsplash
Information is everywhere! Only a handful of decades ago, if you wanted to learn something, finding a resource was a daunting task. Now, you can just reach into your pocket and find out. This does sound like something positive. But is it?
If you traveled back in time to the 1970s and told the most prominent minds of the decade that only 50 years from that point in time, humans will walk around with a device in their pocket that can contact any other human being on the planet and also help you learn whatever you want, you would be laughed at.
But here we are now, and the world is a very different place than it was in the 70s. Even though it is supposed to be easier, it somehow isn’t. Why is that?
The Hardships of Modern Life Explained
So, why is it so difficult when it should be easy? Yes, we can find accurate historical information and solve complex mathematical equations with a few taps on a screen, but this comes with some disadvantages.
Learning about disasters
For example, the human mind can cope with hearing about one humanitarian catastrophe per day, yet, just as we are scrolling through Facebook, we learn about a dozen such catastrophes happening all over the world.
You might think that you can just shake it off and continue scrolling through funny cat photos to take your mind off things, but the information we talked about in the previous paragraph is in your head, and it can start affecting you when you least expect it.
The rise of AI
On a totally different note, the advancement of AI technology is disrupting the current market. With advanced data sets and unfathomable computing power, these AI tools can literally replace any human in any position across several different verticals.
People are worried about their future, as we are already well aware that we cannot compete with trained AI. Some extreme thinkers are already preparing for the apocalypse that happened in the Terminator movie franchise.
Global warming
Scientists have been warning us for decades that the planet is getting hotter. Extreme weather events are more common than ever, and although some countries have taken steps to reduce carbon emissions and plant more trees to boost the production of clean oxygen, it might be too little, too late.
Worrying about the weather forecast every year in the cold winters and extreme summers and planning your life around the harsh weather outside does take its toll on your mind.
What Can You Do?
Adopting a can-do attitude and trying your best to make a difference in the world is rewarding, to say the least. Small things like switching to clean energy sources, donating to organizations that fight humanitarian crises, and finding a hobby are all good solutions.
If you switch to a cleaner source of energy, you might inspire your neighbor to do the same, starting a chain reaction that will positively affect your entire neighborhood. Whenever you donate funds to an organization that helps people in need, you are met with an overwhelming feeling of comfort knowing that you were able to help those less fortunate. Finding a hobby is also a viable option, as you cannot get into a positive mindset without clearing your mind first.
That’s why finding a hobby that will calm you down should be your main priority. You can adopt all sorts of hobbies, but here at Mostarle, we have a perfect solution for you.
Introducing 3D Mechanical Metal Puzzles
If you are tired of the Rubik’s Cube and wooden 3D puzzles, you should take a look at our mechanical 3D metal puzzles. This is an excellent pastime for anyone looking to forget about the hardships of life for a while and focus on improving their building skills.
Here are three puzzles from our collection that are a perfect solution for unwinding and clearing your head.
Cyberpunk Plasma Ball Spider
This awesome-looking colorful spider takes about 8 or 9 hours to assemble. This means that you can work on it for one hour per day for more than a whole week. With 650 pieces and a very exciting assembly process, this puzzle will surely help you unpack your emotions and clear your head.
Terminator M
If you are one of those people who think that AI robots will enslave humanity like in the Terminator movies, then this puzzle will be perfect for you to help you look at Terminators from a totally new perspective. When you finish building this 299-piece puzzle, you will realize that if you can build a Terminator, then they cannot be that scary, right?
Reno - Blue Dragon
If you love fantasy worlds, then you will certainly enjoy building this mechanical dragon. If you are reading this before 2025, this exclusive piece is not yet in stock, but if you are reading this in 2025 and beyond, you can order it right away and start bundling as soon as the box with parts and instructions reaches your doorstep.
There are other 3D mechanical puzzles that you can explore at your leisure. Perhaps the three mentioned in this post are not the best choice for your specific preferences. When you finish building them and place them somewhere in your home where you can showcase your creations, you will realize the healing power of mechanical puzzles.
Dealing with everything life throws at us is not easy. You need to be on top of your game every single day if you want to tackle these issues and make it on top. One slip, and you might end up in a big hole, and it can be hard to climb out.
Luckily, there are solutions. Put your thinking cap on, sit down in a comfy chair, and clear your head with our 3D metal puzzles. Just make sure to keep them away from small children, as the small parts can be a choking hazard.